Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Abs Will Improve Your Sex Life

WOMEN CLAIM THE GREATEST sex organ is the brain; men say it’s
approximately 3 feet due south. So let’s say we split the geographic
difference and focus on what’s really central to a good
sex life.
You know the old phrase “It’s not the size of the ship; it’s the
motion of the ocean”? Well, take that to heart. We can’t improve
upon what God gave you (though the Abs Diet may actually somewhat
increase the size of a guy’s manhood—more on that in a bit),
but we can rebuild your body to maximize the rocking and rolling
that goes on below deck. Consider how the following side benefits
can help you pull that ship into harbor.
Increased stamina. The thrusting power you generate during
sex doesn’t come from your legs; it comes from your core. Strong
abdominal and lower-back muscles give you the stamina and
strength to try new positions, stay steady in old ones, and maintain
the motion control that’s important for your staying power—
and your partner’s pleasure.
Better erections. It’s no secret that upwards of 30 million
American men have some kind of erectile dysfunction. Though
many things can cause it, one of the major causes is purely a
matter of traffic control. Artery-clogging cheeseburgers don’t discriminate,
so when you’re overweight, the gunk that gums up the
blood vessels leading to your heart and brain also gums up the
vessels that lead to your genitals. Plaque forms on the inside of
your arteries, narrowing the passageways that blood must follow.
Think of 12 lanes of traffic bottlenecking into one. Your blood vessels
can become so clogged in your pelvic area that a sufficient
supply of blood can’t get through to form an erection. You don’t
need to have aced calculus to understand this equation: Increased
fat equals decreased bloodflow. Decreased bloodflow
equals softer (or no) erections. Softer (or no) erections equals
“This stinks” squared. (By the way, clogged blood vessels have the
same effect on women, leading to decreased lubrication, sensitivity,
and sexual pleasure.)
Increased length. When it comes to a man and his privates,
fat is his body’s side-view mirror: Objects appear smaller than actual
size. The length of the average man’s penis is about 3 inches
flaccid, but the fatter he is, the smaller he’ll look. That’s because
the fat at the base of a man’s abdomen covers up the base of his
penis. Losing just 15 pounds of fat will add up to half an inch to
the length of a man’s member. No, Little Elvis is not technically
growing, but decreasing the fat that surrounds it will allow all a
guy’s got to actually show.

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